Saturday, October 23, 2010


All sugar products in the market place differ only in crystal size or molasses content.  Molasses adds both color and flavor.  The darker the brown sugar, the more molasses it has.

Sugar Classification:
Granulated or White Sugar, as it is known to consumers, is the sugar found in every home's sugar bowl, and most commonly used in home food preparation.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


This information is a compilation of my personal notes along with any other various handouts I have received in regards to Oats.  Hopefully someone somewhere will learn something new!

Oats have excellent nutritional qualities and are rich in high-quality protein, with some B vitamins, calcium, fiber and unsalturated fats.  A new 10 year study published in the American Journal of Public health indicated that eating oatmeal (a wholegrain cereal) on a regular basis can help to reduce the risk of Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes.  The study showed that eating 1 serving of oatmeal (equivalent to 1 c. cooked) 2-4 times weekly resulted in a 16% reduction in risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes.  By increasing consumption of oatmeal to 5-6 times weekly, there was a corresponding 39% reduction in the risk of onset of Type 2 diabetes.

Oat Classification:
Oat Groats are minimally processed oats with the outermost, inedible chaff or hull removed.  They look a lot like wheat to me.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Honey is one of natures' best energy foods because it contains many carbohydrates.  It is different from cane sugar, which is also an energy food, because honey also contains small amounts of protein, minerals and vitamins.  Honey is the only form of sugar food that does not need to be refined.  About four-fifths of extracted honey by weight is sugar, mostly in the form of simple sugars, which are easy to digest because they are already in the form that can be absorbed by the body.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Canning Peaches - How To

**2015 UPDATE: When this post was originally created, I was using a steamer for this tutorial.  Since then the FDA has deemed steamers unfit for healthy canning practices, since the necessary internal temperature for killing bacteria and microorganisms is harder to regulate in a steam canner.  Please be advised that you should use a hot water bath canner.

Hopefully this isn't too late in the season... I guess it will have to do for all of you late bloomers out there.

Here is everything you need to know about canning peaches: