
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why I Became a Thrive Life Consultant

I remember when food storage wasn't popular.  Things were cheaper back then.  Much cheaper.  But as the years go on its almost become a fad.  The Walking Dead certainly pushed it higher up on the popularity chain.  And along with all of the preppers and crop failures and droughts and cattle problems, food prices have started to go through the roof.
I recently posted about why I have food storage.  For me, it's personal.  More so, food storage isn't just pounds of "stuff" stored in the basement.  It is literally a life style.  It's an everyday grocery store in my house, and I use EVERYTHING in my grocery store.
But I'm cheap.  Like, really cheap.  So, how does someone like me get good food storage at the cheapest price?  Like everything else, you put forth a little effort, and be smart about it.

I buy my food storage from lots of places.  But this post is going to be specifically about Thrive Life, and how to get the best deal.  And because I've been an individual consultant for them for the past 4 years, I know exactly how to do it.

First, let me start by stating that I signed up to be a consultant with them for 2 reasons:
1) my research proved that Thrive Life had the biggest selection of food with the highest quality and longest shelf life.
2) it was the cheapest way to get my own food storage.

Why?  Because as a consultant, I make commission on my own personal purchases.
For example, let's say I were to buy a can of whole powdered eggs for $22.09.  Well, there are 18 dozen eggs in each can, so I just bought them for $1.23 per dozen.  That's pretty good these days.
BUT, as a consultant, they pay you 10-32% commission on sales, plus 10% in free product, and credit for half off product.
So, worst case scenario, I just earned $2.21 in commission, PLUS $2.21 in free product, PLUS benefits to get things for half off.  So realistically, NOT INCLUDING my half off stuff, I just paid $0.98 per dozen.  Thats better than grocery store prices these days.
Simple enough, right?

The key is to buy things that are on sale, making them the same price as the grocery store.  Monthly sales make this easy to do.  All the while earning free and half off products, which allow you to purchase the more expensive items at a much more reasonable (free) price (or half off).

What's more, is you can easily share these sales with your friends/family/coworkers/neighbors if you want to (or not).  And each time you do, your commission and free products go up.

There are 2 requirements to becoming a consultant for Thrive Life:
1: purchase a starter kit (food storage)
2: enroll in the monthly Q program (buy food storage)
(The Q is just like Netflix; you fill it with items you wish to purchase, and it ships them to you each month for the budget amount of your choosing.  All consultants need to have a Q of $50 to earn commission).
You earn commission on anything you buy or sell outside of your monthly Q.

So basically, if your monthly budget is under $50, becoming a consultant isn't necessarily worth it.
However, if your budget is $50 or more, or you are serious about building your supply, it most definitely is.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, signing up is really easy.  And you can do it all from the comfort of your computer.  Here's how:
1) pick a starter kit
2) Get Started Here 

3) Log in or create an account
4) Follow the remaining steps.  You'll need the some information from me:
Name: Michelle Denna
Consultant ID# 7158
3) get started on the Q

And remember, if this is something you decide to do, you'll also have plenty of help along the way!  Thrive Life is great at providing training tools and incentives.  In addition to that, you have me.

For those who aren't too keen on the idea of consulting, or just aren't ready for that kind of commitment, that's okay!  Because there is still a way that you can save!  You may not be interested in earning commission, but as a consultant, I can still offer you free and half off product for all of your purchases!  All this requires is you letting me know that you are interested so I can set things up on my end.  No gimmicks, just an email.  Send one to with the subject: Free Thrive Life Products, and I'll set it up so that every time you buy online or sign up for the Q, you'll earn free and half off product for all of your purchases.  (And as a side note, your email will never be sold or used for any other purpose).

And for those who just want to keep things on the down low, or think you'd like to try some products without getting all "personal", there's always the option to purchase online or sign up for the Q without any other commitments.

Wherever you stand, I hope this answered some questions.  If you have more, feel free to comment below or send an email.  And if there is someone you think might be interested, share the love and forward this post!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your honesty in discussing both the benefits and challenges of being a Thrive Life consultant. It's important for sales consulting to have a realistic understanding of what to expect, and your transparency is refreshing. Are there any resources or training programs you would recommend for someone interested in joining the Thrive Life team?
