Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dehydrated Refried Beans - Product Review

Dehydrated Refried Beans are not something I've seen in stores; even in the 'food storage' section.
But they are available from the LDS cannery, which is where I got mine.

This is what they look like:

Now lets cover the basics:
(This text is taken directly from the can)

INSTRUCTIONS: Add 1 cup refried beans to 1 cup boiling water, stir briefly and cover.  Allow to sit for 10 minutes.  More water may be added for thinner consistency.  Makes 2 servings.


Store in a cool, dry area for best results.

So lets make some...
Beans added to boiling water:

After soaking for 10 minutes:

After 10 minutes, it had a very runny consistency and parts of the beans were still crunchy.
I covered it again and let it sit for a few more minutes.  It didn't help much.

I think to achieve a 'smooth' consistency, you would have to break up the chips prior to soaking.  I tried to mix them and break them up with a fork (after soaking), but nothing worked.  I even added more beans to try and soak up the water... nothing seemed to work.
** And as a side note, this is  the umpteenth time I've tried to make these - and they turn out the same way every time.

Aside from that, the taste differential is way too off for me compared to home-made or canned refried beans.  The dehydrated ones don't taste nearly as good.
Which wouldn't be as bad if the texture wasn't completely unappetizing as well.

In my opinion these are definitely not worth it; unless your family eats an insanely large amount of refried beans and they simply can't live without them.
Even then, I would highly recommend getting them canned or even home-made before purchasing these.

I have had this particular can for about 3 years, which does suggest that it has a good shelf life, but every time I try to make them I am sadly disappointed.

So there you have it - my first negative food review...

**10/2015 UPDATE:
There have been many of you who disagree with my negative food review of Dehydrated Refried Beans (as you can see from the comments below).  If you are one of these, know that the LDS Cannery discontinued these beans for several years, but has recently brought them back!  You can learn more about how to order from the LDS Cannery by clicking here.
Another option for online ordering would be Instant Refried Beans from Thrive Life.

I hope this helps those of you who really like this product!


  1. Interesting. I have a can of those that I think my mom gave me for my wedding. I've never tried them out though. And now after this, I probably won't ever. I'll just keep them on hand in case of a real emergency. :)

  2. These beans need a special touch...Moz Cheese and a little salsa. Salt if you like the taste of salt.

  3. I have had great success with these same beans, my family loves them. We use them in burritos, on tostadas, as a side dish with some seasonings and cheese, and bean dips. I have followed the tips given at: She recommends putting in less water (like 1/2 C.-3/4 C. water for ever 1 C. beans) If after the 10 minutes you think they are too solid and you want them softer, it is much easier to add in water at that point. It is super hard to add in more beans since those new beans then have to soak for another 10 minutes. Try it, I hate to see you not enjoying your can of refried beans!

  4. Thanks for all of the comments! I will have to keep trying, though I'm not convinced that I will buy them again. For as often as we eat refried beans, I think we'll stick with canned. But I am glad to have some new ideas to get through the ones I have! Thanks!

  5. I know what you are talking about with these beans. Try to blend them after the 10 minutes. I have a high-speed blender so I don't know how other blenders would fare, but I pour the beans and boiling water into the carafe and put the top on for the 10 minutes, then blend it. Sometimes I have to add water. The hotter they are, the runnier they will be, so if you have to add more water to get it to blend, try the consistency after they have cooled a bit. They are a little salty, but taste pretty good to me, and I grew up on Texmex, so refried beans aren't new to me. Just give it a shot.

  6. My can says 1.5 cups beans + 1 cup hot water. I just heat the water in the microwave for 1.5 min, pour over the beans, then let sit covered. It's the right consistency, but needs some seasonings that I haven't quite figured out yet.

  7. These beans are awesome. The instructions - not so much. Just put them in a saucepan with some water and boil until you get the consistency you need. Usually it's less than 5 minutes. Really, don't give up on these beans, if you like refried beans that is. They're seriously the best and most affordable option out there. Also, we usually add salsa or tomato sauce (or chunks, or whatever), extra salt, cheese, etc. to make it more flavorful for a burrito or something.

    1. Yes, this is how I was taught to do it, NOT in a bowl but in a saucepan. I love them!

  8. Once you get the knack of preparing them, these are as good as any rf beans I've had in any authentic Mexican restaurant. Truth is I can't go back to eating the store bought canned stuff. The only other option is making my own. Too bad they don't offer this product any more :( I just used my last 10 inch can of the dehydrated gold, and it's gone forever. On a side note my cans have stayed fresh since the time I canned them myself at the cannery over 10 years ago.

  9. I boil the water and add salsa in a stainless steel pot, add the flakes, turn off heat and cover or just let simmer until desired consistency. We love them. Using a pot traps the heat and covering is essential so the flakes absorb all of the liquid.

  10. I LOVE THEM. THESE BEANS are for preparedness. you can cook them quick if low on fuel to survive, or longer to make them as fancy as you wish.

  11. After adding water and they are a little thick I add grated cheese and a little milk. Perfection

  12. These are terrific beans. Just bought them last week but there were no directions on the can, so I just simmered them on the stove with an equal amount of water. I cooked until desired consistency. They were wonderful. Really, if they don't hydrate well, just simmer in a pot on the stove! So much better than canned beans!

  13. I agree with Lala. I have always cooked mine on the stove. I simmer them and they turn out great! I don't think using a bowl would keep them hot enough. I also add salsa to them sometimes. Bean and Cheese burritos for dinner tonight! Easy and inexpensive!

  14. I found this thread when searching for directions as the can has none. I did 1.5 cups water to 1 cup dehydrated re fried beans on the stove at a simmer for 2 minutes then low heat for about 10 minutes. They turned out perfect.

    I bought just one can to sample them and I'll be stocking up. Kids all like them as well.

  15. After reading post and comments, I put 2 cups water + 3-4 Tablespoons salsa in pan, covered, brought to rolling boil. Added 2 full cups dried refrieds, stirred, covered, turned to lowest simmer, cooked 5 minutes. Turned off heat, kept it covered until ready to use. It was wonderful.....tasted like I had oven toasted the refried beans. A bit salty but we have salty pallets so it was fine.

  16. My refried beans are about 12 years old and I figured it was time to use them up. Didn't tell the family how old they were. I knew we would be talking possibly nasty taste. So I put them in a pot and added water to cover them and put it to boil. Then I added salt, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, and chili powder to taste. We made vegan tacos with them so we are talking no taco meat, cheese or sour cream. Just some nutritional yeast with the refried beans, salsa and vegetables in a corn tortilla. They actually liked them and so did I. I think fresher would have been better, but spices really helped. I told the family we need to eat these refried beans up before I buy more from the LDS Cannery. Had no complaints on that suggestion at all. My family could live on tacos. These pasted the test.

  17. My parents gifted me a #10 can of these last year. We really love these. They are easy to make and tweak to your liking. If you eat at any fast food Mexican place like Taco Bell, you're getting the exact same product.

  18. I love love LOVE these refried beans, and so does my family. You must add a bit more water, and cook them a bit longer until you get the right consistency, but the flavor is so much better than canned refries!

  19. I only now seen this page. I needed help from Bishop's Storehouse for the first time. These came and at first I thought it tasted discusting. Wasnt sure what I did wrong. After reading these comments Im sure now I just need to play around with seasonong it. Thank you for posting this. Im sure between yourblog and everyones comments you all are helping others. Thank you!

  20. I’ve used them for thickening up taco/tortilla soup!! My kids have no idea and love the thicker option to scoop up with chips.

    1. I’ve also made refried bean dip with these. The added jalapeños and onion powder and all make it yummy!!

  21. Do you think using milk instead of water might help

  22. Im about to get bishop storehouse because of ongoing health problems including having my stomach removed. I need food thats mushy! I tried these a few years ago. I didnt like them. But now i thinkni will try again. Im thinking, slow cooker, with broth instead of water, onion powder garlic powder and some bacon grease then just slow cook for a few hours!

    1. I had success the first time I tried them. I also Gor a bag from the Bishop's Storehouse. My bag stated 1 1/2 cups beans into 1 cup boiling water, stir, then let SIT for 10 minutes. Perfect! They are quite salty!

  23. I would like to offer a great kinds of beans! They come from JJT Beans they are super delicious and amazing. They are quick and easy to make they take 5 minutes and they come in multiple different flavors and seasoning options. Promo code WELOVETEACHERS for a great saving.

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  25. I just opened a can I had stored. Off smelling. Made some. Off tasting. Added some salt. No help. I have more cans in storage (dammit) Dontae unopened to someone hungrier?
